วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2562

Food Culture And Food Consumption

The interviewee that was questioned helped to collect and understand information with regards to food culture and food consumption based on changes through time. I interviewed a woman who lives near me who is in her early 60s who has lived in Canada her full life. Examining someone who has lived in Canada her full life was interesting because I was able to compare how food production and consumption has changed so much. Through looking at my interviewees food habits of when she was younger through up until now linking it to the concepts learned in class it helps to understand the ever-changing food culture. Alternative food movements are needed to help provide people with better choices because industrialized food and production have become more apparent over the years. Learning about who people eat with, what they eat and how the food production has changed is important in learning about food changes.
Food of The Past
While doing the interview, I was able to learn a lot about the way interviewee used to eat and what she ate while growing up compared to her life now. While growing up there were many things that affected when and with who she ate with. Family was one of the most important reasons for when they ate and who they ate with. Most meals as she was growing up were made in the kitchen as well as eaten in the kitchen. While attending middle school, she remembers waking up every morning to a full breakfast prepared by her mother waiting for her in the kitchen. Breakfasts when she was younger would include eggs and a meat such as bacon or sausage. As for lunch, she would come home every day to lunch made on the kitchen sink ready to be eaten in the kitchen by her sister and herself. Dinner was made once again

